


E-mail: xinyuliwhu@whu.edu.cn


个人简介:李昕煜,男,199311月生,安徽安庆人,博士。20246月于武汉大学国家网络安全学院获网络空间安全专业博士学位。20247月加入古天乐太阳娱乐集团tyc493、古天乐太阳娱乐集团tyc493。曾任科大讯飞研究院算法工程师。获中国通信企业协会“ICT 中国(2023卓越案例一等奖(省部级奖项)。





[1] Xinyu Li, Yue Cao*, Ziyi Hu, Xu Zhang, Hai Lin and Zhi Liu. An Integrated Framework on Autonomous Valet Parking and Battery Swapping Service Considering Malicious False Data Injection Attack. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2024.(SCI, 中科院 1 区, JCR 1 区, Top IF: 7.0

[2] Xinyu Li, Y. Cao*, S. Wan, S. Liu, H. Lin and Y. Zhu, A Coordinated Battery Swapping Service ManagementScheme Based on Battery Heterogeneity, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 9, no.3, pp. 4474-4491, Sept. 2023. (SCI, 中科院 1 区, JCR 1 区, Top IF: 7.0

[3]Xinyu Li, Y. Cao*, F. Yan*, Y. Li, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, Towards User-friendly Energy Supplement ServiceConsidering Battery Degradation Cost, Elsevier Energy, vol. 249, 123716, 2023. (SCI, 中科院 1 区, JCR1 区, Top IF: 9.0)

[4]Xinyu Li, F. Chen, Q. Shi, Y. Cao*, F. Yan*, B. Zhou, A Diffusion Strategy for Robust Distributed Estimationbased on Streaming Graph Signals, ISA Transactions, vol. 140, pp. 237-249, 2023. (SCI, 中科院2区,JCR 1区, Top IF: 7.3

[5] Yue Cao, Jixing Cui, Shuohan Liu, Xinyu Li*, Quan Zhou, Chuan Hu, Yuan Zhuang and Zhi Liu. A Holistic Review on E-Mobility Service Optimization: Challenges, Recent Progress and Future Directions. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 3712-3741, June, 2024 SCI, 中科院 1 区, JCR 1 区, Top,IF: 7.0

[6]Xinyu Li, M. Feng, F. Chen*, Q. Shi, J. Kurths,. Robust Distributed Estimation Based on a GeneralizedCorrentropy Logarithmic Difference Algorithm Over Wireless Sensor Networks, Signal Processing, vol.177,

107731, 2020. (SCI, 中科院 2 区, JCR 1 区, IF: 4.729,一作)

[7]Xinyu Li, Q. Shi, S. Xiao, S. Duan, F. Chen*, A Robust Diffusion Minimum Kernel Risk-Sensitive LossAlgorithm over Multitask Sensor Networks, Sensors, vol.19, no. 10, 2019. (SCI, 中科院 3 区, JCR 2 区,IF: 3.9,一作)

[8] Xinyu Li*, Y. Cao and S. Liu. NavigationService Optimization for Electric Vehicle. Springer – Automatedand Electric Vehicle: Design, Informatics and Sustainability, 2022. (Book Chapter)

[9]Xinyu Li, F. Chen*, A Reduced-communication Diffusion LMS Algorithm based on multi-hop, IEEEInternational Conference on Computer and Communications, 2976-2979, 2016. (EI 检索)



[1] 曹越, 李昕煜;消除换电站状态信息时延影响的电动汽车换电方法和介质,中国,2024101084012(受理)



[1] 曹越,刘朔晗,崔吉星,李昕煜; 电动汽车充电仿真系统V1.02022-08-31, 中国, 2022SR1336637.

[2] 陈枫,李昕煜. 基于多跳减小通信量的分布式信号处理算法软件V1.0, 2016-0609, 2016SR224995



[1] 曹越,李昕煜;武汉市网络安全协会通讯:推动网络安全教育 护航网络强国建设(2024





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