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Ø Huang Q, Sun J,Ding H, Wang X, Wang GZ. Robust liver vessel extraction using 3D U-Net withvariant dice loss function, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2018,101:153-162 (IF 4.589,被引62次)
Ø Huang Q, Ding H,Wang X, Wang GZ. Robust extraction for low contrast liver tumors using modifiedadaptive likelihood estimation[J]. International Journal of Computer AssistedRadiology and Surgery, July 10, 2018. (IF 2.924,被引7次)
Ø Huang Q, Ding H,Wang X, Wang GZ. Fully automatic liver segmentation in CT images using modifiedgraph cuts and feature detection[J]. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2018,95: 198-208. (IF 4.589,被引32次)